On 308 pages you will find promotional products for each industry. It doesn‘t matter if you are looking for ballpens, calculator, business card holder or a custom made item for your client, with us you are right!
On 308 pages you will find promotional products for each industry. It doesn‘t matter if you are looking for ballpens, calculator, business card holder or a custom made item for your client, with us you are right!
In 2018 we've reduced tons of CO2 by using our own solar panels.
produced power: 87,9 MWh
CO2 saving: 50,3 t
Macma is your ideal partner for the creation of custom-made promotional items in the Far East.
You will find support from a young dynamic team, with fluency in English and long-time experience in the sector, that will give you...
The term SSL (short for „Secure Socket Layers“) describes a technique employed to encrypt and authenticate traffic data on a network. For a website, it secures the data transfer between the browser and webserver. The following...
Since June 1st, 2016 we are BSCI member (Business Social Compliance Initiative) We take responsibility, even when selecting our suppliers. Therefore, we take great importance to compliance with social standards in the...